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If the company you are working in, uses the internal purchasing system ”We Buy” your order should be placed through the tool and you do not need/should not use a personal account in the Concept Store.

If your company isn’t enrolled in We Buy you have to be a registered customer to be able to order and pay by invoice.

Fill in the form below, or contact the customer service team and we will register you as a customer.
Phone: +46 8 588 855 00 

Note, when visiting and registering to the Concept Store for the first time, please insert your main delivery address. Next time you enter the site, you will able to change the delivery address if necessary.

You need your username and password every time you like to shop.

By submitting this registration you approve of your personal details being added to our customer directory. We undertake not to forward any details from our database, other than to our associates within the company or to the extent of applicable law.


Submit your e-mail and your password will be sent to you
Fields marked * are required.
Customer type
Registration terms
By submitting this registration you approve of your personal details being added to our customers register. Please handle your username and password with caution. Permit use only to authorized personnel.
We undertake not to forward any details from our database, other than to our associates within the company or to the extent of applicable law.